Sunday, December 14, 2008

Can I tell you about my God!!!

Ok this is going to be preachy, so just get ready.  I want to tell you how my God is working!!!!  So Dom and I broke up a month ago yesterday.  That was a horrible night.  The worst night of losing my best friend, companion and thought to be future spouse.  BUT, it was the best night too.  It was the night that the Lord moved.  He moved in ways that unexplainable.  From that night on, he gave me time to spend with great girl friends until they left for the mainland.  From that night on, he gave me so many opportunities to talk to wise co-workers who are Godly, and are speaking words of truth to me.  He has given me a wonderful friend Janna who has been my encouragment, my ear to cry to over the phone, my confidant, and just a voice of truth.  He has opened my relationship with my parents.  They have always been wonderful, but they are also speaking words of truth.  The Lord dropped a person in my lap Cassie, to buy my car and he allowed for the loan to be approved this weekend!!!!  He dropped a job at a children's hospital in my lap!!!!!!  I can't wait!!!!  There is just something about working in a children's hospital that I have missed.  He gave me a cheap ticket home, a moving bonus at my new job, a place to live with my wonderful friend Janna.  He has given me a sensitivity to knowing peace about situations, being sensitive to where he is leading.  He has given me a heart for the lost.  He has given me a heart that prays for a Godly husband, one that loves the Lord 100 times more than he loves me, one who is keen on the idea of adoption, one who wants to be in fellowship with other believers, one who's desire for our children to be close to our parents.  I was never close to my grandparents in Iowa and we only saw my Gdad in California every 2 years, so this is a desire of mine, for my children to be able to be close to their grandparents.  It has just been amazing to see the Lord work in what could have been a terrible low time.  I cry as i write this, because i just can't believe how much the Lord is working when I am obedient!!!!  I have not seen him make things this easy in over a year.  This entire year has been one obstacle after another here in Hawaii, but the minute I surrendered and became obedient, He moved in ways I can't explain.  I pray that you will praise our God in this with me!!!!  Pray too that everything packing wise falls into place.  I leave in  5 days and there is a ton to do.  God is faithful, though so I am trying not to be stressed!!!!  I love you guys!!!!  Praise our God for the things he is doing!!!!!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

OK and TX here I come!!!!

I have the best news!!!!!!  No we are not back together, no I did not get a tan, and no I did not win the lottery.  But I am moving to the mainland!!!!!  Can I just tell you that God is so so so so good!!!  You all know that, as do I, but he makes himself so clear at just the right moment.  I have been wondering where I am going to live and work.  There were no openings at Children's, so moving to OKC is not an option.  So the Lord dropped a job in Houston in my lap.  I will be working at Tomball regional Hospital in the NICU.  It will be a huge change, as it is a really small NICU, but it will be so good to be with Janna.  I am really excited!!!!  I am going to sell my car to a friend at work (pray we work out the details).  So the Lord is dropping things into place.  I am just praising him for all the miracles he is doing.  Join me in doing the same!!!  

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Breaking up is hard to do.

Yes, it is true. Dominic and I have broken up. As hard as it is, I know the Lord is good. This did not catch him off guard or surprise him. I am lost at the moment. What do I do with my life? Where do I move? Where do I work?? I want to get out of here, there are so many reminders of happy times with the boy. Please pray the Lord makes it just so clear. I know that he is faithful and will complete the good work he has started. Pray for clarity and understanding for both Dom and I. We are still friends, which some days is really hard. I am praying a job falls into my lap. Please pray with me on this. The Lord is faithful and will get all the glory for bringing me through one of the lowest times in my life. He has done it before and i know will do it again. I can't and will not do it alone. I will praise him in this storm. He never let's go. I am trusting the Lord and not leaning on my own understanding( i don't understand why the Lord allowed us to date, and for me to leave a wonderful job to move out here). Please pray for clarity and a job opening right where the Lord wants me to be.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Coming Home

I am so excited to get to come home for 2 weeks the first part of Nov.  I know that as usual it will be filled with lots of driving to see friends, and I hope some great time with my parents.  I am ready to see familiar faces.  Dominic will stay here, well he will probably go on a mission to South America, to be the translator for the trip.  Yes my honey is latino!  I know!  So cute!!  

I am really boring so I thought I would put together a list of differences between OK and HI:
At home I don't:
Pay for parking to go to Chilies', or really any other restaurant.

Pay over $4 for gas

Get to wear my bathing suit to dinner out

Have to sit in traffic at any hour of the day, not just at rush hour

Don't have to show an ID to get to work

Feel like my height is average...there are so many asians here that I feel like I just fit right in being short, now if I could just have brown skin and straight brown hair.....

Wait to go food shopping with Dom because cereal is $6, and milk is $9 off base!!!!  It is unreal!!!

Get to go to the beach with some good friends on our days off.

Have to find street parking to go visit friends, or pay to park in their parking garage

Get great plate lunches for lunch (a full lunch :chicken or seafood, rice and salad all crammed on a to go styrofome plate).  But oh so yummy!!

These are just a few things I can think of to show you the difference.  Most days I feel like i am in a different country.  But I have really come to love where I live.  The culture is fascinating, the food is wonderful, and it is definitely all in who you know.  Relationships are huge here.  
I hope that you guys are having a great night!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I am new to the blog world.  Yes I jumped on the bandwagon!!!!  I will be the first to tell you that I love reading everyone's blog to find out what they are doing and where.  I hope that mine will be interesting as well.  I have been living in Hawaii for a year a whole year...and working at the Army hospital in town.  It has been a great year of many adventures to neighbor islands, swimming with dolphins and sharks, and getting great hang out time with friends here and Dominic.  The Lord has been so faithful to give me great Godly girls to spend great time with.  

But now that is all changing.  My friends are all moving on to wonderful jobs on the mainland, and I will be here in Hawaii with Dom.  Don't get me wrong, he is wonderful, caring, so sensitive and sweet.  But he is not a girl.  I am praying for good girl or group of girls to play and explore with.  So be in prayer about that.

Also I just found out today that I can't extend my contract here to cover the time that I am coming home.  Let me back up.  I am in a contract with my company.  I was going to go home for 2 weeks to see my family and friends, then come back, work under an extended contract, until I can start as staff at the beginning of the pay period in Nov.  My manager told me that was fine to extend as long as I need to, then start as staff.  I talked to my recruiter and the hospital liason today and that is not an option.  So there will be a break in me working, even though I am on the schedule to work. AHHHHHH!!!  What do I do????!!!!  So they are telling me that I won't be working for a couple of weeks.  What do I do, how do I pay for things???  Please be in prayer that the Lord will be faithful, as he always is, and this will all work out. 

Well I am off to get ready to go up to the hospital to tackle all this.  Have a great day!!!  Talk to you soon friends!!